Monday 22 June 2015

The Secrets To Successful Cooking

The kitchen is the process of using heat to prepare foodfor consumption. Many common cooking methodsinvolve the use of oil. Frying is cooking in hot oil,fry cooking in a small amount of oil, fry itone China technique fry quickly in small amountsoil in a pan, fry is completely immersingfood in large amounts of fat, etc ..

As people have become more health conscious,food preparation in the oil has become less desirable. Withthe advent of nonstick cookware, skipping can be donethe bottom is heated using fruit juice and vegetable brothinstead of oil. Stewing refers to cooking slowly on asmall amount of liquid in a closed container. Slowcook tough cuts of meat postmortem and allowsflavors that blend.

Another method of slow cooking is simmering, where meatfirst browned, then cooked slowly in a small amountliquid in a covered pot. Poaching is cooking food inliquid below the boiling point, while steamingfood that has been placed over boiling water.Roasting means baking in hot dry air, usually in aoven. Baking refers to cooking in an oven and differsasemos mainly in reference to the type of foodcooked-for example, a cake is baked, roasted but onechicken. Another form called broiling means to cookDirect exposure to heat, while grilling concernsMarinated food cooking grill.

Dining with others is one of the most common andfrequent social activities. It can involve a family dinner,a meal with friends or join a ceremony orcelebration, like a wedding or a vacation. More andmore people attend cooking schools, see how to do ittelevision programs and read specialty magazinesand cookbooks. In fact, they sold more cookbooks as a groupany other book except for religious works.

The kitchen is the act of preparing food for consumption. TheIt covers a wide range of methods, tools andcombinations of ingredients to improve taste andfeed digestibility. Generally requires the selection,measurement and combination of ingredients in aordered procedure in an effort to achieve the desiredresult. Success constraints include variabilityingredients, ambient conditions, tools and the ability tothe person cooking.

The diversity of cooking worldwide is a reflection of thenutritional, aesthetic, agricultural, economic, myriadcultural and religious considerations that impact upon it.Kitchen often, but not always, involvesapplying heat so as to chemically transform a food,thus changing its flavor, texture, appearance, ornourishing properties. There is archaeological evidencecooked foods (animal and plant) inhuman settlements dating from the earliest known useFire.

During cooking if heating is used, this can disinfect andsoften the food depending on temperature, cookingtime and the technique used. 4 to 60 ° C (41 to 140 ° F) is the"Danger zone" that many food spoilage bacteriathrive, and should be avoided for safe handlingmeat, poultry and dairy products. AC &Freezing does not kill bacteria, but slow growth.

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