Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Cantonese Regional Cuisine

Easily the best known of the Chinese regional cuisines, Cantonese cuisine comes from the region around Canton in southern China. Cantonese cuisine characterized by simple spices and a wide variety of foods used in cooking. Of all the Chinese regions, Canton (Guangdong province) has available food resources. Its proximity to the sea offers a Marina cornucopia to be added to its dishes, making possible such delicate matings as seven Happiness, a dish that includes shrimp, scallops, fish and lobster with chicken, beef and pork. The light, delicate sauce, quick cooking and subtle spicing allows the natural flavors to shine through rather than being overwhelmed and blending together.

Spices in Cantonese cuisine tend to be clear and simple: ginger wine, salt, soy sauce, white pepper, onion and rice. For many who are used to the rich flavors, spicy and complex of Hunan and Szechwan cooking, Cantonese cooking may seem bland - but the subtle blends of flavor and aroma are created by the hand of a great chef.

All Chinese cuisine takes into account that the taste of a dish. Chinese cooking is a presentation of color, shape, texture and aroma with even the name of the dish contributing to its overall presentation. In true Oriental fashion, a meal is poetry, with all its parts contribute to the overall effect. Chinese courtesy demands that a guest be treated with honor, and to present a guest with anything less than perfection is the height of rudeness.

As an honor to guests, freshness is one of the last 'ingredients' in Cantonese regional cooking. In many restaurants, guests can choose their meal from a seafood tank in the dining room. It is not unusual for an employer that a live fish or crab at the table will bring as proof of the freshness of the food will be prepared. Vegetables are also fresh, sweet and crisp, and quick cooking methods preserve each flavor separately to play against others.

Light sauces with subtle seasonings take the natural sweetness of seafood - but the Cantonese chef will only use the very freshest seafood in the dishes. For 'stale' seafood, Cantonese cuisine offers thick, spicy sauces to mask the characteristic odor of fish. Acre / sweet dishes like sweet and sour butterfly shrimp might be served this way.

There are few Cantonese desserts that are indigenous to the region, though many restaurants serve a mango based pudding or tapioca. Most meals are served with plain boiled and served with tea or rice wine or rice.

Wherever in the world you are, you will probably find restaurants serving Cantonese cuisine. It has taken him around the world by emigrants from the province of Quangdong, and its light, delicate flavors are easy on the Western palate. To truly appreciate it, it takes over the taste buds. Cantonese cuisine is a treat for the eyes and nose as much as for the mouth. I appreciate it.

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